Human Behavior and Motivation Essay

In the practice of human management, the perception and use of motives have a different character. The content and sequence of their emergence, development, application and interaction with the impact on a particular person for the formation of positive behavior have a close interrelation with communicative and leading actions. Communication and efforts for motivation must include the psychological characteristics of human behavior as a critical factor in influencing relationships, decision making and position in a team or social environment.

Communication and behavioral approaches play a crucial role in building a stable motivation system. The human behavior differs according to individual characteristics, beliefs and preferences. Communication can become the link between action and motivation. With the help of communication, managers can learn the features of their employees for the selection of an individual approach in their motivational activities to increase work efficiency. In this case, the manager should use personal communication, training, questioning, group testing or non-working classes to obtain information about employees, its use, and also transformation into a tool for forming a motivational plan. Behavior can be a crucial determinant in the formation of a motivational approach, as it demonstrates the entire emotional and psychological spectrum.

Motives are the main driving force behind the behavior of the economic subject with the encouragement to commit actions. When drawing up a motivational plan, the manager should take into account individual characteristics, including behavior, since these factors influence the choice of strategy and its result. Intersubjective behavioral characteristics and relationships should direct the emotional, psychological and professional potential to improve organizational performance. A communicative approach to behavioral manifestations can help to determine the next course of action for motivating employees for a long-term result.
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