Thesis Statement and Outline Sample

Outline Topic: literature research on the LGBTQ research Introduction: This stage introduces our analysis of the LGTBQ rights on American society and the rest of the world. The conversation that persists in every sociological theory is the inequality that exists in our community. Violence has been the cause of inequality in society. Individual freedom in society describes how sexual rights are addressed under different countries’ laws. Sexual discrimination is condemned by understanding how society treats lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and those who are transgender in society. Discrimination of gender also relates to our understanding of why most communities express one gender as more superior than the other. Our research identifies LGBTQ rights as the basis for understanding the best approaches to explaining different rights and sexual freedom in American society. Also, we can relate the inequality with the conflict theory as advocated by Karl Marx. Statement of thesis: The research focus on qualitative analysis describes how LGBTQ rights have been adopted in America’s united states. The research also focuses on the different literature studies that illustrate a campaign for accepting every individual in society. The research focuses on the effects of LGBTQ rights in the lives of people who were previously…

Time Travel Essay

The Mayans’ experience presented an opportunity to learn about the Maya civilization, culture, and political life. Interactions with locals provided vital insights into Maya’s rise to cultural and political sophistication. For instance, learning about the Olmec’s influence on the Maya culture established an understanding of their settlement area at the Yucatan Peninsula base. Some of the Mayans’ cultural gains included their grasp of the number system and the famous Mayan calendar. Upon settlement, the Maya started farming to feed their rising population, establish an economic system, and organize politically as a way of protecting their territory (Berger et al., 2016). Some of the crops farmed included cassava, squash, beans, and maize, among other farm activities that included cattle rearing. The construction of cities signified their sophistication, reinforced by the monumental pyramids that symbolized their civilization.

Description of Assets Essay

People People are the most valuable assets that will be present in this G7 event. Therefore, their safety matters. The identified class of people attending the event includes political figures, their protection service units, Sherpas, the negotiator staff, and the service staff. The political figures will consist of the heads of states and other representatives of the G7 member nations attending the summit. The groups will conduct discussions and negotiations between themselves. People present in the submit are of exceptionally high value because of their status as heads of states and national governments’ leaders. Therefore, these persons are designate as the most critical assets.

Incarceration Policy Analysis

The United States (U.S.) has the highest incarceration rate in the world. The federal government considers incarceration to be the most practical correctional observation method. However, incarceration has undue pressure on the U.S. economy while it is unable to rehabilitate prisoners. In the U.S., about 47% of incarcerations are drug-related. Nonetheless, it is observed that most prisoners live incarceration worse than they entered. The issue of incarceration and racial inequality is also at the front line in the legal system’s ethical violation. In education, policies favoring the white and creating limitations for the minority populations are prevalent. In this regard, racial minorities are constantly subject to unfair hearings, making them populate prisons. Therefore, the U.S. legal system is seen to be unjust in terms of race. Simultaneously, its ability to rehabilitate offenders remains questionable due to the high associated costs and poor outcomes.

Space Exploration Definition Essay

Humanity’s interest in space exploration is enduring and universal, but some people question whether people and governments should invest resources in the field when the challenges on Earth that societies have to contend with are yet to be solved. People are driven to discover new worlds, explore the unknown, and push the limits of scientific research. I believe human space exploration is critical because it helps to address crucial questions about our place in the Universe. By addressing the challenges regarding human space exploration, investment in research is imperative. I believe society should be driven by a desire to expand technology and understand the possibility of life beyond Earth. Space exploration is no longer the preserve of governments because the private sector has recognized the importance of exploring mysteries of the Universe. The Imperial Space Shift shows that private citizens and companies can join the space race and contribute to the quest for a better understanding of the heavens.

My Rock Climbing Experience

Scaling overhanging rock faces is a scary but exciting experience whose thrill lies between the fear of falling onto rough rocks lying a long way down and the satisfaction of getting perched on a summit like a conqueror. Rock climbing is a way of cultivating bravely and an experience that tests commitment to dreams. Growing up in a highly outdoorsy family, I have rich memories of how my brother and I used to go camping, hiking, and mountain biking. I learned tying knots, using the belay device, and climbing during my membership at the Vertical Endeavors club. Despite having climbing skills, I have never pursued bold rock climbing or mountaineering activities. My continually growing academic commitments and joys of socializing have barred me from intensive climbing. However, I have always wished to feel the thrill of rock climbing at Boqueron in Peru’s foothills, an experience that recently awakened my liking for climbing.

Cartesian Substance Dualism Essay

According to the concept of Cartesian substance dualism, humans are consistent f two substances, namely; a body, and the other a person (mind). Descartes explains that the “person” element is not a purely mental substance. This means that it cannot be described in terms of consciousness and or thought separate from all other elements. However, persons and their bodies are both substances and possess unique identity conditions. Since the two, body and person (mind), are essentials of what constitutes a human being, then the concept qualifies as a form of substance dualism known as Cartesian substance dualism. Remember that dualism is the idea that the body and the mind are unique entities, each of which exists isolate and identifiable from one another. Under the concept of Cartesian dualism, the mind and body substances engage in a two-way interaction forming a functional unit which is responsible for human experiences.

Argumentative Essay: Comparison Between Married and Single Women

Historically, marriage has become one of the most important activities of human life as people marry both for political, financial, and social welfare. However, in the recent past, the world is experiencing an increase in the number of single women as more women avoid marriage or opt for divorce. The trend of some women choosing to remain single has raised several debates, with those supporting marriage arguing that marriage women get financial support to their families, their children are less likely to slip to poverty, and it reduces depression. The opposing side argues that marriage is a patriarchal system used by men to control women, and it also exposes women to health problems caused by depression, among others.

SWOT Analysis Essay

Introduction SWOT-analysis helps identify the organization’s threats, opportunities, weaknesses, and strengths; thus, it is essential in this time of COVID to improve the healthcare facilities’ performance. Regarding this, the framework concentrates on both the external and internal factors of associations, making it easy for organizations to make changes where possible. For instance, St. Mary Medical Center (SMMC) is an acute care hospital providing several services such as pediatric, emergency, trauma, medical, obstetrical surgical, and plays a significant role in treating COVID-19. The hospital has four hundred and sixty beds but moved the COVID unit to a more prominent location with thirty beds, all having negative pressure. Relating to SWOT analysis, the hospital faces various strengths such as social support, weaknesses such as inadequate staff with opportunities such as educating the community, and threats such as insufficient knowledge on the disease when dealing with COVID-19.

Essay on Democracy and Campaigns

Senator Daniel Scott Sullivan is the United States senator for Alaska who was chosen by under the Republican Party since 2015. The Senator is currently up for re-election in the coming US 2020 election. He had held public offices before being a politician. He served in the United States Corps Reserves, clerked for judges in the United States Court of Appeal, among other public offices. The Senator was a responsible leader who cared for the life of infant rebuking child abortion. However, he believes that in cases of rape or when the baby is a threat to the mother’s life, the mother may opt to abort the child. He has previously seen the enactment of bills in areas of his concern. He primarily sponsors bills in areas such as environmental protection, armed forces, and national security, crime, and enforcement of laws among other sectors.