Sociology Essay Questions and Answers

How do television and the internet compare as media of communication? What are their advantages and disadvantages?
Television for long was the principal means for communication, before the emergence of the internet. Both are media for communication, which differ in terms of advantages and disadvantages. Since TV was invented, it has become a part of people’s lives. Currently, TVs are becoming more elegant and have more functions. Both TV and the internet are sources of entertainment. People can view videos and other information on both platforms. However, the internet offers a wider variety of info compared to TV, due to its massive access to information to more platforms. Both TV and the internet can be used as a platform for education and learning. However, the internet offers a wide variety of information due to its multiple sources. As much as the TV can provide information such as historical facts, how to undertake various activities such as cooking among other educational information, the internet has a wide variety and timely information, which is way more than what the TV can offer.

A significant disadvantage of TV is the fact that not everyone can buy one. TVs can also lead to much addiction, which affects people at times of disposal or concentrating on other crucial activities. On the other hand, the internet also has its set of disadvantages, such as the possibility of private invasion, erosion of moral values since no one controls its content. When information is not secured, other people can access and use it in cyberbullying. Another disadvantage is the fact that the internet requires one to purchase data to enable them to access the information. This has significantly affected people with unfortunate backgrounds and those in remote areas. A computer or phone can be invaded by a virus, which may interfere with specific installed programs, which is another challenge of using the internet.

Describe some of the critical issues facing universities today, including research funding, accountability, and academic integrity.
One of the significant issues facing universities is the lack of enough research funding. Institutions of higher learning require resources to facilitate research projects. These studies are essential in the provision of solutions to global challenges. Another major problem faced by universities is the dwindling state of the students’ welfare. There have been increasing cases of substance abuse, suicide, mental illness cases, and sexual harassment. These cases have adversely affected the wellbeing of students and their performance in their academics.

The ability of universities to protect the wellbeing of the students depends on both funding and leadership abilities. This has been lacking in most of these institutions. The increased cost of higher learning is also a significant challenge faced by students. Many qualified people are unable to afford enrolment. There has also been no tangible return on investments of the student, as compared to the amounts they pay for facilitation. Accountability is also a fundamental problem being faced by Universities. Several institutions have continually mismanaged funds for learning. This factor leads to conflicts amongst the stakeholders, sponsors, and students, which ultimately leads to the deterring of service delivery in these institutions.

How effective are social movements in bringing about social change? Can you name at least three movements that have attempted to influence public opinion or public policy?
Social movements involve people who come together with shared interests, aims and objectives of bringing positive change to society. They advocate for a specific social change, either political, social, economic, or environment. They can alternatively organize to oppose a given social change that is getting advocated by another entity. Social movements have been very viral in bringing changes to nations. In some instances, they have managed to fight for suitable laws in nations and pressured the governments, and various entities to change a policy for the good of the ordinary citizens.

Some examples of social movements that have attempted to bring positive changes to a particular public policy include Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) movement, the US Occupy movement in 2011, which was against economic and social inequality, and lack of democracy in around the globe. Another significant social movement was the green movement that fights for environmental conservation. All these movements have been very monumental in fighting for changes in issues that affect ordinary citizens. Their significant intentions are to bring positive changes with trends to how people live and treated by their governments.

Describe the effects of climate change on the environment. Why does this problem persist, and what could we do to solve it?
Climate change is mainly caused by human disruptions to the environment, which leads to several adverse effects on the planet. These changes tend to destabilize the temperature at equilibrium affecting the health and wellbeing of both humans and the environment. Human activities such as the increased emission of greenhouse gases have led to higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Some of the direct consequences of climate change include rising minimum and maximum temperatures, elevating sea levels, changes in precipitation patterns, which is affecting the amount of rainfall. Other effects include freshwater scarcity around the globe, reduced air quality, and the increased spread of pests and pathogens.

The climate change problem has persisted due to a lack of enough mitigation actions that can help in the limitation of the magnitude of disruption. There is also a lack of effective policies that could help in averting the control of carbon dioxide emissions. The government and related authorities should work towards enacting better policies in their respective nations as a way of curbing the adverse effects that have been as a result of changes in the climate.
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