The Impact of the Internet in Our Everyday Life

The impact of the internet in our daily lives has brought new challenges that some people have used as a basis for not embracing the 21st-century advancement. Hence, the essay is going to assess some of the negative impacts and goes ahead to refute them with substantial evidence. Furthermore, solutions to the problems that include involvement in physical activities and socialization will be provided.

Opposing Ideas
The Internet has introduced a new crime called cyber bullying that has seen many people being victims of this heinous act (Klass). Social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have become tools which ill-intentioned people can use to attack and make fun of others making the victim suffer helplessly. The emergence of Facebook and Twitter during the last ten years has significantly increased cases of people in different capacities becoming subjects of social victimization. Even though there are regulations on the type of information to be shared and also an option to report a derogatory post, in reality, many of these cases remain unreported further encouraging this culture. Moreover, many fake accounts can be formulated within seconds with the intention to spread certain propaganda about an individual. This methodology has made it extremely difficult to detect culprits. YouTube has also been majorly exploited by the cyber bullies as they can easily post a video thereby hurting other people. Some miscreants have also used it to extort money from their victims by threatening them to post their intimate photos online in case their demands are not met.

Even though cyber bullying has increased, but that does not mean it is out of control. Hence, it is not correct to assume that most culprits of cyber bullying go unnoticed considering the fact it can only take seconds for the IP address of a computer to be detected. This approach has been very fruitful as it has led to the apprehension of notorious bullies. Many regulations have been setup and have significantly reduced cases of cyber bullying such that very few criminals still have the guts to continue practicing it. It is also essential to note that trending topics on the internet have served as information channels that can be helpful in managing crisis as opposed to spreading propaganda. More so, Twitter and Facebook have introduced a system where accounts of prominent personalities are usually verified thereby preventing imposters from taking advantage of fake accounts.

Through internet banking, many people have lost their money from unauthorized access to their accounts. Criminals have become technologically smarter nowadays as they not only target the banking websites but also customer’s information. For a long time, clients have fallen victims of these keyloggers which are malware programs that can easily capture the password when it is being entered (Sophie). This has made it easier for such perpetrators to fraudulently transfer money from their victims’ account. Additionally, there are some criminals that have also resolved to use their social skills to trick customers into sharing their personal account information. In most such of the cases, the customers normally receive an email or a call informing them that the bank needs their information. Unfortunately, most people fall into this trap thus losing a lot of money in the process.

However, the concern that internet banking possesses serious security threats is incorrect because most of the customers have been reliably informed of the impending dangers. Subsequently, most of the customers are not naïve enough to give out login details to any person leave alone impostors posing as employees from the bank. On the same note, it is also easier to control keyloggers as it only requires constant updating of the antivirus programs thus preventing malicious programs from accessing the system (Kazmeyer). Lastly, most banks have also set a limit of the maximum amount of money that can be withdrawn within twenty hours further setting higher security standards. With time, internet banking is becoming more secure because everyone is becoming tech-savvy and aware of the security related precautions.

The fact that internet has inflicted a lot of negativities including physical fitness and socialization issues does not mean there is no way out. First and foremost, educational programs should incorporate physical activities into the curriculum. It has been noted that the most affected internet users are those who are still teenagers. Encouraging them to participate in the physical activities can do away with problems like low metabolism rate that eventually breeds obesity. This would also enable them to appreciate the need for socializing thus making new friends with whom they can find time to interact thereby reducing time spent on the internet. This will draw them out of their small social circles that force them to stay indoors behind their computers.

The educational institutions should also introduce learning activities that are interactive such that students appreciate the need for socializing (Rohampton). Group activities should account for some percentage of their end of term examination. The most addicted internets users are still in middle schools as they often spend their time online. However, introducing programs that call for learners to meet on their own and tackle assignment can be a partial solution to these emerging challenges caused by the internet. This culture should start as early as first grade as this would make them develop social skills that can be instrumental in helping them reduce time spent on the internet. It can also reduce the possibility of these children becoming addicted to the internet at such a young age.

Moreover, schools and other learning centers should also embark on a special program meant to incorporate internet in educational activities in such a way that positive experience is gained. One of the best ways is to introduce online interactive tools that can allow students to use the internet as a platform for reasoning and interacting (Richard). Even though it might not achieve maximum results like other approaches, it might expand their thinking. Most of the internet users use it for the purpose of entertainment which involves watching for long hours. If there could be a way that the same internet is used to provide a platform where students can interact and discuss question then part of the problem which has to do with limited thinking will be solved. It is therefore critical for innovators to implement such ideas.

As evident in the essay, there are solutions to negative impacts of the internet in the society. It is quite unfortunate that some of the perceptions about the internet are negative. Some of the challenges that have been magnified are cyber bullying and internet banking risks which the essay has refuted by indicating how effective mechanisms have been put in place to control them. For instance, the use of IP address has made it quite easy to track down the notorious cyber criminals. The solution to some of the challenges that comes with internet revolves around learning institution which harbor the most affected group of internet users. There is a need to introduce and schedule physical activities in learning programs that would encourage most young people to stay away from computers even during free time. Additionally, interactive learning activity is the way to ensure children get the opportunity to socialize with those around them.
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Works Cited
Kazmeyer Milton “Security Issues Relating to Internet Banking.” az.central, n.d, Accessed 23 November 2017.
Klass Perri. “In the Fight against Bullying, a Glimmer of Hope.” New York Times, 28th, August, 2017, glimmer-of-hope.html. Accessed 23rd November, 2017
Sophie, Johnson. “Security Issues Relating to Internet Banking, Classroom.” Classroom, n.d, Accessed 23rd November, 2017
Rohampton Jimmy. “Millennials, Here’s How Social Media Impacts Your Relationships.” Forbes, 3rd May, 2017, media-impacts-your-relationships/#43aed79c7922. Accessed 23rd November, 2017
Richard Adams. “Students who use digital devices in class ‘perform worse in exams’.” The Guardian, 11th May 2016 who-use-digital-devices-in-class-perform-worse-in-exams. Accessed 23rd November, 2017