Essay on Hopes and Dreams

On some level, almost every American hopes for the same kind of life. Variations of the American Dream envision success and abundance. In his book “The Epic of America,” James Truslow Adams speaks of the American Dream as a set of ideals aimed at creating a “better and richer and fuller” life (Shiller). I believe that if I work hard, I will achieve my version of the American Dream.

Prosperity and abundance are measured in various ways. For a lot of people, success is measured through wealth and money. In my case, I hope to be comfortable. I do not want to lack. I want to live a life that allows me to have enough for myself, my family, and also be able to give to the needy. I understand that for me to fulfil and sustain this dream, I will need to make money.

The prospect of having to make money by working for someone is admittedly not attractive. But Presidential Candidate Eric Swalwel outlines that hard work with the promise of success is one of the promises of the American Dream (Swalwell). To this end, I hope to open my own business in the future. I imagine that this business will be successful enough for me to make money in my sleep. I would also like for the company to be self-sustaining so that within ten years, I’m able to take early retirement.

As at now, I have no thoughts on how I would want my family to be constituted. Research by the Pew Center has found that more and more Americans believe that having a good family life is vital to their view of the American Dream (Marx). My dream involves me helping and incorporating less fortunate children, primarily from migrant populations into my family.

In conclusion, I do not wish to live an extravagant life, nor one filled with fame. However, I do want to be comfortable and be a pillar in my community. I want to be remembered after my death for the good deeds I did, and for the help I offered. All this is my version of the American Dream.

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Works Cited
Marx, Ben. “Forget Wealth — The ‘American Dream’ Is Now About Family”. Business Insider, 2017, Accessed 01 June 2019.
Shiller, Robert J. “The Transformation Of The ‘American Dream’”. Nytimes.Com, 2017, Accessed 01 June 2019.
Swalwell, Eric. “Eric Swalwell: It’s Time To Restore The American Dream”. CNN, 2019, Accessed 01 June 2019.