Course Summary Essay

Public health plays a vital role in safeguarding me against the spread of diseases and epidemics, ensuring I receive quality healthcare in healthcare centers, protecting the environment, and providing education that allows me to live a healthy lifestyle. For instance, through public health, I received immunizations for life-threatening diseases, and my workplace has a policy against smoking. I believe that I can contribute to reducing cases of heart disease. Having come from a family with a history of heart illness, I am confident that I can help in its prevention by advocating healthy lifestyles. The high-risk factors for heart disease are interlinked; they include diabetes, obesity, and lack of physical activity. All these risk factors can be eliminated by recommending healthy eating and lifestyles. By running campaigns and door-to-door sensitization, I can influence the community to make positive choices regarding their lifestyles.

The course has been informative and has positively influenced me especially regarding physical fitness. I now understand the condition of obesity including its risk factors and how it can be managed. In particular, I can now identify risk factors that pose dangers to my healthcare such as physical inactivity, smoking, and alcohol consumption.

I commit to strictly adhere to my contract for change and engage in consistent physical activity. In the future, I will choose to eat healthy foods and continue upholding 60 minutes daily workout as pledged in the contract for change. Besides, I hope that by embracing my new behavior of physical activity, I can influence my friends and family members to exercise regularly for a healthy life.

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Work Cited
Healthiest Nation in One Generation (2009). [Motion Picture]. Youtube.