The Heater Treater Essay

It goes without saying that any academic work requires the definition of its target audience and primary purpose, and the technical definition essay is not an exception to the rule. Analyzing the main object of study, that is, the heater treater, one can easily identify the petroleum-engineering students who attend surface production class as a target audience for the mentioned definition. As for purpose, the definition of the heater treater will allow students to get fundamental knowledge about the operation and the practical implementation of this vessel. In other words, this work can be of vital value for the students who want to become qualified specialists in this field.

With a view to getting a profound understanding of the vessel, one should outline the definition of the mentioned term. More to the point, the heater treater is a specific unit in oil an gas facilities, which is designed to separate water and oil with the assistance of high temperature. This vessel is essential in the oil and gas industry since such a primary commodity as crude oil, which is full of “extra” elements is unsuitable for manufacturing and use. Therefore, the heater treat is intended to process this raw material into a market-driven product that is devoid of gas and water, namely, treated oil (Alzaabi). Roughly speaking, this heat treatment allows the oil to be accepted by means of transportation.

For the purpose of extending the definition of heater treater, one should use the three principle techniques to accomplish this task: etymology, the principle of operation, and compare/contrast. First of all, the etymology of the phrase “heater treater” is hidden within the lexical frames of the very phrase. It is easy to understand that it consists of an adjectivized and verbalized nouns which, when taken together, can be read as “the one who treats its users with heat.” In a case in point, the vessel treats the oil with heat in order to speed the emulsion to facilitate the process of separation.
With regard to the next technique that is mentioned above, that is, the principle of operation, one should put a strong emphasis on the fact that the process of functioning of the device ultimately depends on its type. To be more specific, one can distinguish two types of heater treaters: horizontal and vertical. Their work process differs in a few factors. Precisely, vertical heat treater carries out the process of separation faster than horizontal and “accepts” the substance through the upper part of the mechanism, while the horizontal does it through the front section (Alzaabi). Put it differently, the exploitation of vertical heat treaters is more profitable for the oil industry because of the rapid pace of raw material processing.

Last but not least, one should also apply the latest technology of the definition extension – the method of comparing and contrasting. Examining the scope of the facilities that resemble the principle of heater treaters’ work, one can readily select the separators, which are created to separate fluids from extra elements. Despite the fact that the descriptions of these two vessels are quite similar, the heater treaters are much better than separators for two compelling reasons: they are larger in size and can cope with more significant pressures. On the other side, these characteristics make this unites more expensive than the last device.

As a matter of fact, the heater treaters are the vessels of paramount importance within the oil and gas industry. This mechanism helps to separate extra components, create a market-driven product, and transport it. In other terms, this unit is of the utmost importance for creating a high-quality product that is fit for further processing.

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Work Cited
Alzaabi, Yousef. “Heater Treater Design.” The Pennsylvania State University, College Of Earth And Mineral Sciences, 2019.