Solidarity and Moral Deference Essay
Solidarity is considered the most human value. It means standing with one another through tough or good times. The shared feeling or action, especially with common interests, is considered solidarity. It is a representation of the basis of other human values, including companionship, honor, loyalty, or friendship. There are various factors that can prompt individuals or groups to act in solidarity. Some of these include love for one another or shared disdain of certain situations, establishments, or prevailing aspects of the society. People can show solidarity by acting together to champion for their rights or to counter some undesirable establishments in society.
Wilkins Donegal is an Ugandan-based Indian professor who has committed his efforts towards the support of equal rights for women. Wilkins has come up with a foundation in Africa where he offers training for women in various empowerment projects. Apart from offering training, he is providing monetary incentives to needy women so that they can be self-sufficient. According to Wilkins, women empowerment is a positive step towards solving poverty, which has gripped various societies in Africa. Women in Africa for a long time have been subject to uneven societal prejudices that favor male dominance. This has so far increased the levels of poverty among several African families. He stands in solidarity with African women to campaign for gender equality in Africa.
Wilkins act of standing in solidary with African women is a show of humanity since his driving desire is to ensure that men and women are allowed equal opportunities in African societies. Wilkins is practicing moral deference, which dictates that owe the diminished category (Thomas 36). Women in Africa do not have a say in almost all aspects of their lives. They are undervalued, and according to moral deference, we owe a presumption favoring their experiences. Essentially, Wilkins does not belong to the group of women who are faced with gender inequalities. However, he perceives the situation as his responsibility to stand up in solidarity with these women to champion equal rights in society.
Moral deference is based on the presumption that one is right in the account of his or her experiences, and the other party acts in defense out of their moral obligation. Acting in moral deference is relevant since it minimizes the risks of other individuals being subjects of moral wrongdoings (Thomas 40). Every individual is driven by the subconscious thought of establishing what is right from what is wrong. Therefore, a society that favors one gender over the other is a society that inherently violates human rights.
Additionally, every individual has the liberty of choosing what to support compelled by their intuitions. While African society perceives the female gender as an object, it is morally right for Wilkins to support gender equality in these communities. Technically, Wilkins is appropriating moral judgment by pointing out that gender prejudices that have seen deeply engrained gender inequalities in the lives of African women are not right. In doing so, he stands in solidarity with the undervalued women. In this manner, men standing up for gender equality in society is a moral response to the civilized aspects of oppression against women.
It is an act of solidarity for a man to stand with women in seeking equality in society (Harvey 49). In the current world, liberalization has seen it that all men are born equal. As a result, African women deserve the best in terms of shared values and opportunities. Gone are the days when women were bought to be objects of their husbands. Long gone are the days when women could not be allowed into classrooms together with their male counterparts. Further, it is ripe for women to claim equal opportunities in representative politics, just like their male counterparts. Men, such as Wilkins, are waking up to the reality that women are equally capable of doing and even posting merit in various areas that had previously dominated by men.
Wilkins joining in the fight to champion women’s rights by empowering them in various ways is a good show of solidarity. There would be no point in campaigning for equal rights when one does not have the appropriate tools or anything to show for it. Through empowerment, African women can demonstrate their capabilities by excelling in whatever they do. Wilkins, in solidarity with these women, has sponsored five girls through education and is among the leading figures in various universities. Moral deference, in this way, appeals to the very essence of humanity (Thomas 31). The African men, though, seem reluctant in supporting women’s rights; an Indian has made it his responsibility to change societal prejudices.
In some societies, women are still discriminated against based on their gender. This is manifest in situations where women are paid less or are expected to cook and clean. These societies bound women strictly to the redundant cultures that otherwise demean the status of women. In most cases, women are perceived as weak such that they cannot defend themselves in different situations. It is these perceptions that further male dominance to the effect that women become less exposed to the prevailing lifeline opportunities. Efforts of Wilkins in championing for women empowerment is a good show of solidarity needed by women in various societies beyond Africa. It is important in this manner to boost the self-esteem of women for the benefit of society at large.
Wilkins’ approach of moral deference is a good show of solidarity since empowering women is giving the women back their rights. It is essential that women are given equal chances to participate in the economy, education, and politics, among other aspects in society (Harvey 41). It is morally upright to allow women to choose their religious affiliation, places of work, and also marriage partners. A healthy society, for that matter, should allow women to attain higher education, learn new skills, and study anything according to their personal desires. Wilkins is contributing positively to this cause because he is helping women feel strong amidst the unforgiving society so that they can realize their full potential.
In conclusion, moral deference is an act of solidarity since one assumes a different path to support what they believe is right. Solidarity in this manner is evident when Wilkins goes out of his way to support an interest group he does not belong to because they are united by a feeling that women deserve equal rights in the society. He does this without consideration of the prevailing circumstances, especially the cultural dictates of the African societies. It is a good show of solidarity because it is more than an act of humanity to rise against gender-based oppression.
Works cited
Harvey, Jean. “The Relationship of Moral Solidarity.” Civilized Oppression and Moral Relations. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2015. 39-69.
Thomas, Laurence. “The character of friendship.” Thinking about Friendship. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2013. 30-44.