Joan of Arc Biography Essay

“The history of our civilization knows a lot of interesting people who left noticeable traces. Thus, Joan of Arc is an outstanding personality that may teach you a thing or two. It’s a courageous and heroic girl who fought for the sake of her people. Joan of Arc serves as an example of dignity, courage, and dedication and we should learn from such people. A story of Joan of Arc hits back to the days of the Hundreds’ Years War. She was born in 1412 in Domrémy, which is France. Her parents were simple farmers. She learned the most common skills of farming and being a housewife. The girl never ventured far away from home and seemed to be the most peaceful person in the land. Nevertheless, everything has dramatically changed after the king of England – Henry V – decided to invade the north of France. He wanted to possess the entire country and claim it as his own. The Burgundians gave him the necessary support. However, many Frenchmen opposed such a decision and the war become really cruel and desperate. This was when our heroine played a significant role.

Essay: Is Luxury an Evil?

Say we need two thousand dollars to buy the services and goods. But in real life, we earn and spend more money on buying other things that we could easily do without. The process is called a luxurious consumption, and the modern tendency is such that it is compared to something extravagant, abnormal, and even evil. So is luxury an evil? Or maybe, it depends on your interpretation… We all have quite different standards of luxury. Everyone has rather different desires and requirements. But according to the Bible, a man must either go and sell all his material possessions or give them to the needy. The money bags he should provide himself with must be full of treasure in the heavens, where there are no thieves or destructions. And the real treasure must be where the heart is. Yes, since the dawn of time, being rich has been linked to the lack of moral. We believe that money changes people, making them see themselves being better than others. Labelling has already become a tradition. But labelling people with the word like evil, we are mostly going the wrong way.

Martin Luther King and Malcolm X Essay

The outstanding people are not easy to compare, especially if we talk about the people from the past whose lives, acts and motives have been minced through the subjective opinions of pro and contra witnesses. Still, there are works and speeches of those whose point of view have changed the world we live in. Let us try to look into their motives and ideas and see how the two prominent advocates of the American black citizens’ rights have influenced the political upheavals of the 1960s. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X had a different social background in terms of the formation of their life principles towards the injustice of the world. They have certainly both faced the racial oppression from the early lives, but Malcolm, who had later become more radical in his ideas of fighting the racism, had certainly suffered more from the childhood. According to his autobiography, one of Malcolm’s father’s uncles had been lynched, and also Earl Little had lost three brothers due to the violence of white men [7].

“Design” by Robert Frost Analysis Essay

Within the scope of this research, we will analyze “Design” work written by Robert Frost. One of the characteristics of Frost’s poetry is speculativeness. It is particularly apparent in the parables and its origin seems to be in the poet’s familiarity with his material. He not only feels sympathy with material common in experience, he also views it from the vantage ground of generalized experience. The critic who claims that any one characteristic must be present to create a poem is eventually made to look foolish by a poet who finds it possible to do without that one particular thing. If the recorded poetry of the world proves anything, it proves that a poem is never one fixed element, or a fixed combination of elements, but a combination of elements the boundaries of which are constantly being shifted. Thus, though a reader or critic of Robert Frost’s poems notices immediately the accurately observed physical facts, there is no need to assume there is no other way to write poems.

Definition of Art Essay

The definitions of art are plenty since this concept proves elusive and difficult to define in one sentence. For example, MSN Encarta provides the following definition: Art, the product of creative human activity in which materials are shaped or selected to convey an idea, emotion, or visually interesting form (MSN Encarta, 2006). This definition is different from the one offered by Oregon State University: Human endeavor thought to be aesthetic and have meaning beyond simple description. Includes music, dance, sculpture, painting, drawing, stitchery, weaving, poetry, writing, woodworking, etc. A medium of expression where the individual and culture come together (Oregon State University).

The Impact of the Internet in Our Everyday Life

Introduction The impact of the internet in our daily lives has brought new challenges that some people have used as a basis for not embracing the 21st-century advancement. Hence, the essay is going to assess some of the negative impacts and goes ahead to refute them with substantial evidence. Furthermore, solutions to the problems that include involvement in physical activities and socialization will be provided. Opposing Ideas The Internet has introduced a new crime called cyber bullying that has seen many people being victims of this heinous act (Klass). Social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have become tools which ill-intentioned people can use to attack and make fun of others making the victim suffer helplessly. The emergence of Facebook and Twitter during the last ten years has significantly increased cases of people in different capacities becoming subjects of social victimization. Even though there are regulations on the type of information to be shared and also an option to report a derogatory post, in reality, many of these cases remain unreported further encouraging this culture. Moreover, many fake accounts can be formulated within seconds with the intention to spread certain propaganda about an individual. This methodology has made it…

Leader Member Exchange as a Driver of Results among Sales People

Servant leadership focuses on followers as the primary components while organizational gains are peripheral. Six characteristics have been associated with servant leadership: empowerment and development of people, displaying authenticity, humility expression, stewardship, providing of direction, and interpersonal acceptance (Graham 107). However, the characteristics overlap with other leadership models thus the specification of two unique distinctive aspects: serving first and being selfless. A servant leader will recognize the uniqueness of each person. A servant leader finds interest in follower’s values and beliefs by focusing on the followers’ growth aiming at advancing both financial and non-financial terms of the organization like profit and employees’ growth (Grisaffe et al. 53). The followers consider the servant leader as trustworthy when they depict honesty humility traits.

Schizophrenia as a Substance-Related and Addictive Disorder Research

Abstract The use of drugs has been identified as one leading cause of schizophrenia. In fact, research has established that more than half of American schizophrenics have a history of drug abuse. Schizophrenia affects slightly more than 1% of the American population (Benaiges et al., 2013). Schizophrenia is a chronic and often severe mental disorder that makes an individual to think, feel and behave in an abnormal way. For example, a person may see things that are not there or imagine being in danger yet they are not. The disorder makes the day-to-day life of an individual difficult and often unbearable as they have to cope with frequent hallucinations, delusions, thought disorders and movement disorders among other challenges (Asher & Gask, 2010). The individuals living with schizophrenia do not show the right emotions at different situations have reduced feelings of pleasure and limit their interacting with those around them. The use of drugs is the leading risk factor that makes an individual easy to get schizophrenia. There are no specific treatments for schizophrenia, but the available treatments are helpful in eliminating the symptoms. The treatments may include the use of antipsychotics and psychosocial therapies to help an individual avoid the…

The Advantages of Planting Trees Essay

An essay isn’t the easiest thing to come to grips with. It is time-consuming and oftentimes tedious. To make the task a little easier for students we are providing this sample that you can use to see the overall structure of a solid essay, from a gripping introduction to a conclusion that sums up all points nicely. The importance of trees has never really been in question: between providing raw materials and all-important oxygen, people have always known that trees are crucial to society. But while people are generally aware of a resource’s value, somehow the importance of keeping that resource available is often lost on them. Trees are an important resource for society, but planting them is even more so. Planting trees not only maintains a resource for society to use but also promotes ecological longevity and aesthetic beauty for the world at large. Very few resources on Earth are unlimited. Unfortunately, trees are not included in that small list. Even worse, trees are not replenished at a pace that matches their rate of consumption. It takes decades to grow a tree that can provide meaningful levels of oxygen or raw materials, but only hours to cut one down.…

Homemade Cooking vs Fast Food Essay

Homemade cooking is one of the most vital elements of the normal life of any human. It is necessary to admit that people need food not only to receive nutritious elements but also to deal with hunger and to satisfy the moral need of eating something delicious. It is not a secret that homemade cooking, especially for a family of several members, is not a simple task; it requires a lot of preparation and effort in order to cook something delicious and edible. In addition, the pace of life several decades ago was completely different from the modern one. Therefore, the fast food chains and the fast food itself started to spread across the planet rapidly. It was an instant hit because there were not any inconveniences regarding the fast food, it was cheap, people did not have to wait for the food for too long, and people did not need to prepare for the fast food, as the employees of the café did everything. The same aspects are present in the modern world. However, in recent years, many people have become concerned about the quality of fast food and its influence on health, making it one of the most…