Event Management Research Paper

Why are you doing this?
I am organizing an event to be held at Buchholz high school in Gainesville. The purpose of the event is to educate people, specifically women how to apply the Korean Make in the right manner. Stephen Schachter will be the speaker. Makeup application enhances the beauty of the face as they bring out the desirable features and hide the poor ones (Sobchack, 2016). The process of makeup application is an art that requires practice and vast know-how of characteristics such as the structure of the face, the effects of the color and how they are related and optical illusions principles. Therefore, the purpose of the event is to inform those who apply the makeup on how to do it in the right way.

What is the Overall Purpose of this?
Generally, the purpose is to reduce the side effects that result from the wrong application of the makeup. In the current society where a large number of female populations rely on makeup, they should know how to use them. Little know-how by the user may result to damaging the skin and even causing cancer (Miller, 2013).

Who is this Event for?
The event targets the children of six to ten years, teenagers of fourteen to nineteen years and adults. Some of the individuals who are invited for the event are parents in general and anyone that is willing. The reason for parents of both gender attending is to educate family members whom they stay with, in case they do not have the required knowledge (Chang, 2014).). The audience that is mentioned is targeted because the side effects of the makeups affect the whole family and society at large.

Where will this Event be Held?
The event is scheduled to take place at Buchholz high school in Gainesville. Buchholz venue is suitable to hold the event due to easy accessibility of the targeted audience and ample space of accommodation. Additionally, the presence of the playgrounds in school is suitable for the audience to hold meetings during the break sessions. The audience can also participate in games as a way of relaxing their minds after the lessons (Van der Wagen & White, 2018).

When, will this Event Take Place?
Korean Make-up Style lecture event will take place during the holiday. In holidays, most of the people are free and therefore it will ensure that the target audience is large. Since part of the target group is students, during the time they are not in session, therefore, there will be no conflict with their learning programs. Also, as the event will be held in school, during the holiday, there will be no interference with the school routine.

How am I going to do this?
In the preparation of the event, I have to do a number of things. First, I will identify the hall that shall be used for this event. Secondly, I will determine the number of rows that can be accommodated. Thirdly, I will identify the number of chairs required for each row. Lastly, is to multiply the number of chairs by the number of rows. It will assist in determining the number of people that the hall can accommodate.

Time and Date Considerations
Does the event date(s) conflict with other campus activities/events? If it does, are there any real/ perceived consequences? The date of the event does not conflict with other Buchholz high school activities. Therefore, there is no effect on other school events.

Does the event date(s) conflict with other major community activities/events? If it does, are there any real/perceived consequences? The date does not conflict with any community events. I involved the members in setting up a time that does not interfere with their activities. Therefore, we expect a large audience for this event. It is because there will be no other occasions that can attract the audience attention.

Is the date convenient for the intended audience? The date is convenient for all the anticipated participants since the event will occur when most of them are free. During the holidays most of the students are at home with their parents. Additionally, most of the workers are out of duty hence, making it easier to attend the event.

Is this time convenient for the intended audience? The time is convenient for the audience because the event is scheduled to happen twice a day; during morning hours and evening so as to offer flexibility to the audience. The individuals who are fixed in the morning hours will attend the evening classes and those who will not be available in the evening will attend morning classes. Furthermore, the weather is conducive during the time and therefore, a large crowd is expected to turn up.
How long should the event last (why)? The Korean make-up lecture event will last for three consecutive days starting Thursday 20th of December 2018. There will be two sessions each day. Two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening with a break of fifteen minutes in between. The participants will also have enough time to ask their questions before the speakers give them answers. The purpose of a break is to break boredom during the event (Boonmee, 2015).

Operational Considerations
What facility or area will be used (map might be helpful) (consider capacity, ingress/egress, access to parking, traffic, bathrooms, noise, etc.)? Some of the areas that will be used comprise of the lecture hall, parking areas, and playgrounds. The room must have a large capacity to accommodate at least two hundred and fifty people. The entrance points must be two because of a large number of participants who will be in attendance. The parking areas should be extended to other areas such as the playground to reduce traffic. The venue should also be free from noise (Deng et al. 2016).

Does the management of transportation plan have to be conducted? There is no need to conduct the management of transportation plan because most of the audience to attend the event is from within the local community.

Does an environmental impact study need to be completed? The environmental study is needed to control noise pollution from cars. It is critical because it might decrease littering and dumping of food wastes during the event.

How many people will be attending, other factors (such as throughput), etc. and how will you accommodate? It is expected that approximately one thousand two hundred individuals will attend the event. It will be possible because the lecture hall can accommodate two hundred and fifty individuals and there will be two sessions per day for three days. Additionally, I shall ensure that there are enough chairs and tables for the participants. Moreover, the speaker will be put in a convenient position where he is visible to the whole audience.

How do you reserve the location? I will reserve the location by booking the venue early. Also, I will ask the management if there is anyone who intends to hire the place on the day the event is planned. Besides, I will ask the administrators to give their opinion on the most convenient date when the event can be held.

How long will you need to reserve the facility (don’t forget to plan for set-up and breakdown time)? We intend to reserve the facility for three days before the event. It shall enable us to put everything in order. The time will be enough to arrange chairs and tables in the lecture hall. Additionally, other arrangements related to the event will be completed within the time.

Is a permit required for the event (the example of permitting process)? A permit is required before holding this event. It is advisable to seek permission from the police a week earlier. As a result, they can give us a response on time so that we can go on with our plans. The police officers must be informed so that they can provide security during the event.

Any prohibitions of activities in the area (fireworks, noise, etc.)? There will be noise prohibitions during the event. This is to make sure that those who will attend the lectures have a conducive environment to enhance concentration. Furthermore, the event will be operating within the rules of the school.

Does the event require a Fire Marshall walk through pre-event? The event does not require Fire Marshall Walk. The organizers only need to create more awareness through advertisements before the occasion commences. For example, posters might be put in strategic locations within the town to attract the attention of potential participants.

What are the requirements, if any, for temporary structures (tents, stages, tables, chairs, trash cans, A/V, etc.)? Temporary structures like tents are not required since the event will take place in the lecture hall. In the hall, chairs and tables will be required to be used by the audience. The audience will use the trash cans at the school.

Are there any security requirements for admissions and ticketing (arrangements for cash pick-ups, control, etc.)? Adequate security measures will be put in place by the school security team to ensure that all individuals attending the event are safe. Security officers should inspect the participants before being allowed in the venue (Bhatt, 2014). The purpose of this is to ensure that there is no interruption of the event by intruders who might have an ill motive.

Any crowd specific requirements, police, etc.? The audience is required to carry essential items needed during the event (Gaffney, 2013). For instance, they can bring a pen and paper. They are also allowed to take food and water. The security personnel is required to be in full uniform. They should also bring their identification documents to distinguish them from other members of the public.

Is there any maintenance arrangements required (trash pick-up, restroom cleaning, etc.)? Maintenance costs must be incurred to ensure that the place is appealing to the participants. For instance, trash pickup must be repaired to ensure that people have a place where they can dispose of their garbage. These expenses must be paid to ensure that the audiences enjoy their classes during the event (Mazzolani & Gioncu, 2014).

What are the requirements for food and beverage vendors (alcohol)?
The food and beverage vendors should be in their right attire. They should wear clothes that differentiate them from the audience. They should also wear badges that make it easier for the public to know the types of food they sell.

Are there any equipment restrictions regarding installation and dismantling (high reach, forklift, etc.), operator requirements?
There are no equipment restrictions because the management of the institution has not informed us about the issue. The instructor charges $70 per session, accumulating to $420 for the whole event (Hodges et al. 2015). The cost of hiring a lecture room at Buchholz high school is $28.56 per hour which sums up to $171.36 for a hall that will accumulate two hundred and fifty people.

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Bhatt, S., Manadhata, P. K., & Zomlot, L. (2014). The operational role of security information and event management systems. IEEE Security & Privacy, (5), 35-41.
Boonmee, J. (2015). Study of Thai women purchases decision of Korea cosmetic in the Bangkok area.
Chang, S. (2014). In the Eye of the Beholder: Asian American YouTube Beauty Bloggers.
Deng, Y., Poon, S. W., & Chan, E. H. W. (2016). Planning mega-event built legacies–A case of Expo 2010. Habitat international, 53, 163-177.
Hodges, A. W., Khachatryan, H., Palma, M. A., & Hall, C. R. (2015). Production and marketing practices and trade flows in the United States green industry in 2013. Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 33(3), 125-136.
Gaffney, C. (2013). Between discourse and reality: The un-sustainability of mega-event planning. Sustainability, 5(9), 3926-3940.
Mazzolani, F., & Gioncu, V. (2014). Ductility of seismic-resistant steel structures. CRC Press.
Miller, G. (2013). The promise and perils of oxytocin.
Sobchack, V. (2016). Scary women: cinema, surgery, and special effects. In Cosmetic Surgery (pp. 95-112). Routledge.
Van der Wagen, L., & White, L. (2018). Event management: For tourism, cultural, business and sporting events. Cengage AU.