Rubric Use Research Paper

Introduction Background Information A rubric is a tool that streamlines the examination or evaluation process by unequivocally outlining the standards and/ or criteria to be employed in the evaluation of performance [1]. It is also a scoring guide comprising a precise and pre-determined performance criterion for evaluating performance [1]. In search of standardized evaluation parameters to facilitate objective assessment of performance the developed world has turned to rubric-led evaluation, a strategy that provides all candidates with a level playing field.

Personal Experience Essay

A few years ago I became especially interested in positive psychology as the way of world perception. I have read a lot of books and articles on this topic and felt that positive thinking really helps me to overcome hardships. I decided to study positive psychology after I have accidentally come across an online article about this field of psychology. I was a blog dedicated to mindful living and there the author wrote about positive phycology as the thing which helped her to overcome a difficult period in her life. I believe it was a kind of a sign in my life because at that time I felt very anxious due to the fact that it was a turbulent period in my life when I was thinking a lot about the priorities in my life and the future of my family.

The Sociology of Food Research Paper

Effects of Neoliberalism on American Experience of Food Neoliberalism can be defined as a policy model of economics and social studies that change how the control of economic aspects are controlled by ensuring that they are managed by the private sector instead of the public sector. In this perspective, it is apparent that an essential role of neoliberalism is fostering economic growth by increasing competition through deregulation of health, welfare, environmental, labor, and social laws, reducing the role of state privatization of country’s assets, opening local markets to international clients, enhancing corporate influence, liberalization of economic policies, as well as taking part in governance. Specifically, neoliberalism was pioneered by the International Monetary Fund during the 1980s and adopted across the world due to its propensity to benefit the ruling political class. As a result, neoliberalism policies have promoted a value chain, which begins with theoretical activities in research organizations and in academia and the moves to institutions which enact and foster specific aspects of the neoliberal policies and feeds it to the implementers and policy advisers who implement policy recommendations at the international or national levels. In this perspective, there is no doubt that the neoliberalism has had far-reaching consequences…

Human Rights Research Paper

Global administration is a complex discipline because of the varied societies existing in the world characterized and defined by distinct peculiarities of values, cultures, and traditions. Currently, the core of international administration is states or countries. These units are responsible for the governance and well-being of their respective populace and have the authority to determine the policies that they deem best to serve their societies. The policies extend to political, social, and economic governance. One of the most crucial aspects of legitimate state governance today has become the policy challenges of upholding and enforcing civil and political human rights. This paper will look into the characteristics of a legitimate government in the context of upholding human rights as a policy decision, how these characteristics influence and are influenced by a free press, environmental rights and LGBTQI rights, as well as the impact inclusivity and minority rights have on the legitimacy of governance.

Effects of Alcohol Abuse Research Paper

Introduction Motivation and awareness are a matter of great interest to scientists. All research works aimed at explaining human actions are studies of motivation. The concept of motivation and perception is often used as one of the central concepts to explain human behavior. Psychologists have studied and pointed out that awareness has a vital role to play in social activity. The motivation is the force that motivates people to act to achieve their goals. In other words, motivation is a factor that makes people act to satisfy their needs .

Convenience, Purposive and Random Sampling Essay

Convenience sampling is a non-probability technique of sampling where the participants of a given research are selected based on the convenience of the researcher. Factors such as availability, proximity, and accessibility of the participants by the researcher are considered in the choice of the participants (Chauvet, 2017). Convenience sampling is best used when the study participants are spread over a wide area, where reaching all the participants will require the use of a large amount of money. For instance, a study on the psychological effects of Ebola in Africa would be an expensive multicenter study. However, if convenience sampling is used, the cost of the study will be reduced since only one center can be used to conduct the study.

Fast Food Advertising Research Paper

Abstract Fast food is a popular, inexpensive method of fulfilling one’s basic needs. Although there are evident variations in the frequency consumers in the United States eat fast food, estimates suggest that nearly 1/3rd of the population eats fast food 4-6 times per week (“How Often Do You Eat Fast Food,” 2017). While fast food establishments offer a variety of food related items, the overall healthiness of these items tend to vary. While individuals may consume some healthy foods when purchasing fast food, previous research has demonstrated that healthy foods often fail to sell in fast food establishments. This finding suggests that individuals frequenting fast food establishments are more likely to consume unhealthy menu items. However, there are notable variations in the level of health-conscious behaviors and lifestyle choices individuals make in the United States. With approximately 2/3rds of the population meeting the criteria to be defined as overweight or obese, the United States Department of Health and Human Services has concluded that consumers are not following federal guidelines on how to live a healthy lifestyle (“Facts & Statistics,” 2017). Yet, further complicating the lifestyle choices in the United States is that consumers are using more technology than ever before.…

Essay on Marietta

Marietta is in Cobb County, which is one of the fastest growing urban areas in the United States. The residential, business, industrial growth, military occupation, architectural transformation, and economic prosperity define its history. For several years, developments in these aspects of the region played a significant role in transforming the political, economic, and social life of the region as it does in every society. The transformations were the manifestation of the changing landscape of the business environment and the social expectations of residents with regards to changes that took place in their environment. A unique relationship existed between Marietta and Kennesaw largely because they held religious and social gatherings in Kennesaw. Members of the communities would gather for different functions such as baptisms, get-togethers or recreation. These activities played a significant role in reinforcing the social fabric of the residents and how the region grew to be a small urban center in Cobb County.

Anti-Semitism in the Ancient World Essay

Anti-Judaism refers to the oldest hatred against Jews. Anti-Semitism in Greco-Rome was based on religious, political, and socioeconomic differences between Christians and the Jews. The rivalry between the two groups led to persecution, destruction of homes, and expulsion of Jews from Rome. Also, the Jewish communities in Europe faced hostilities, forcing them to resettle in other places. The western Jews made a significant contribution in the arts, literature, and other areas in the European culture. Eastern Jews isolated themselves from other communities in the country, and they were involved in European politics. Religious, political, and socio-economic factors influenced anti-Semitism in Greece and Rome.

Medicare Fraud in the United States

1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study The enactment and enforcement of the affordable care act in 2010 expanded Medicare, particularly to vulnerable individuals in the country. Medicare refers to the federal health insurance that covers the elderly who are past 65 years, people with disabilities and those who are suffering from End-Stage Renal Disease. It is subdivided into different parts depending on the main things that are being covered. Part A refers to hospital insurance for the recipients (Medicare, 2018). This covers any inpatient stays, care in a nursing facility, home healthcare to some extent and hospice care. Part B refers to medical insurance that covers doctor services, medical suppliers, outpatient care and preventive care. Part D refers to prescription drug coverage where pharmaceutical costs are covered (Medicare, 2018). The American government does not directly provide this cover to patients. Instead, it approves insurance companies that can provide health insurance to patients.