Company Analysis Essay

Executive Summary
The modern society has seen the development of certain features that are integral in the creation of easier systems to work with. The development of the technological features within companies has been a great step to including better practices and ensuring the development of an innovative culture within an organization. In consideration of the development of a proper channel for carrying out activities, Ruby Construction Company is an organization that has sought to include technology to ensure that they have better services. The creation of the activities of the company has led to better and much more instructional steps that can help in the accrual of reasonable value in the long term.

The company, which plans to use telecommunication devices within the company and build an app for their external services, seeks to ensure that there are proper initiatives taken to enhance their functionality. The project aims at creating an avenue where the company can enhance their business processes and also work to ensure that the employee relations are in the best consideration. The use of information for the employees and relations through interactive communication devices will give the company a great avenue to conduct their activities. On the other hand, the company will have a mobile application which can help in designing the houses for clients and also enlists the houses which they are selling. This is a platform that makes the company get to an angle of handling their activities with much ease. These steps are instrumental in the development of a better stance for the company to operate. Therefore, the following project looks into the implementation plan for the company. The implementation of the technology avenue will help the company to carry out better activities in the long term and attain greater value with their services.

The Recommended Structure
Ruby Construction Company has a series of software that they use to ensure that their activities are well dealt with and that they can get to tackle their activities with much ease. The company has organized their information architecture in an instructional manner that also helps them to carry out their activities with much ease. The common software that the company uses includes basic ones that could be used to carry out fundamental activities. Some of them include Microsoft Office, Windows OS, Adobe Photo editor, and Aura. Such software applications help with the generation of even better platforms to enhance the determination of a proper functionality. The software instructs a greater productivity from the company since they carry out the fundamental duties.

Ruby Construction Company has seen a tremendous growth in the modern ages. The company, which carried out the 3D printing of houses and making budget homes, has to ensure that they adjust as per the market dynamics. The market dynamics of the company state that they are in the stage where they could carry out a proper purchase of their houses by consumers, the marketing services and also designing prototypes through the use of a software. The company, on the other hand, has the great need for an inclusive workplace, where the employees can interact with one another without any much difficulty. This is a platform that makes the company have a great relevance in the course of carrying out activities. The relevance that the company has is forged from the need to ensure a proper determination of activities, as well as a foundation of value for these steps (Bell & Omachonu, 2011 p.730). On the other hand, since the company is based on technological activities, it has to ensure that they have a cloud management platform whereby they can store their information and carry out the activities from any lace in the society. Thus, these are the needs of the company that they have to address and also get into developing a keen analysis for. These steps, therefore, make a greater path for the company to ensure that there is a value for each activity which they carry out.

The Ideal Architecture
The technology of the company will be aligned to their functions in a path that enhances correlation and coherence. For the external activity which they are carrying out for the consumers, they will include business activities such as the purchase of properties and marketing actions. The measures taken by the company for the internal segment to ameliorate communication will determine the developmental progress of the organization. Therefore, it should focus on the creation of networks which are ideal for its developmental ambitions. These are technological activities that will be aligned to the same system to make sure that the company is operating flawlessly.

Ruby Construction Company will include cloud management services to make sure that they can carry out their activities with much ease. The company will move towards the development of a proper platform where they can conduct their activities with ease. The company, which will work towards the determination of value, will have the cloud management platform to carry out their core functions which can be administered from any point in the globe.

Since the company is getting into the use of a technological base for their activities, they will carry out even better plans to ensure the inclusion of integral steps. The company will make sure that they use the IDS to protect their systems (Coates et al. 2010). The intrusions that could occur on the company will be averted through the use of these systems. The creation of a valuable platform to engage the company will also make sure that they are on the best network protection activities. The computers in the company will also be protected by firewalls to help in maintaining the security processes as provided by the company.

The Network Equipment
The PAAS model will be an application in the organization. This means that there will be a list of activities that can be carried out on every avenue. The creation of a proper address to these factors ensures that the company grows to an extent of proving their functions via the cloud management system. This means that they will provide commands to the cloud drive and it will execute them automatically without any human interference. Therefore, these are the major factors which the company has to handle. The other physical activities such as administrative functions will be carried out by the employees of the company (Osabutey et al. 2014 p.562). This will ensure that the employees are in a position of carrying out ardent activities which will satisfy the creation of value across the segments as required. The stratification of functions in the company, therefore, creates a core way to handle the generation of value and accrual of benefits in the long term.

Allocation of Tasks and the Structuring of Activities
In the course of implementation for the company, the breakdown will be carried out in a defined way that also ensures there are core issues to be looked into to enhance this system of functionality. The company will get to include value-added models which induce better activities practices. There are standard procedures that will be carried out in the process. This will be followed by the specific role assignment of the platforms that have been created (Zhang et al. 2009 p. 780). Therefore, this will enhance the determination of the procedures into the development of core issues. The last process that will be carried out before testing the systems will be to assign specific commands to the cloud management system which will then be carrying them out without any human intervention.

The Chronological Programming of Project Tasks
The implementation plan has assigned significance to activities which will enhance the development of better models to determine the outcome. The sequencing of activities in the company in the course of this activity provides that there are certain issues that should be handled with accuracy and a determination of the required value. Therefore, the very first step will be to create a group to implement the activities (Zao et al. 2008 p.231). The group of expert individuals will also include outsourced individuals. The company, on the other hand, will carry out an action to help in the determination of proper value in the long term. Therefore, the determination of a core model to carry out activities makes it much easier to enhance the proper functioning of the plan. The delegation of duties and testing the cloud platform will come to the last phase of being carried out. Nonetheless, the employees of the company will also have lessons that train them on whatever activities they have to change in their old model of work (Shin et al. 2008 p.835). The training of employee will come last when each of the activities has been conducted and the systems are fully functional. This is, therefore, a platform that enhances the development if a proper step towards the accrual of a significant duty in the long term.

Governing the Project Stakeholders
Stakeholders have a great significance to the process. The stakeholder significance in this phase of company development has to be understood and their engagement is of many beneficial returns for the company. The stakeholders of the company will be consulted on the progress of the activities (Garengo & Biazzo, 2013 p. 142). An inclusion from each of the stakeholders will ensure that the processes as advanced will have a better address to the core issues as they are addressed. This also makes it much significant to include a value for every activity which the company has to carry out. The creation of a basic way to engage the company will ensure that there are much more important activities to be conducted in the long-term

Budgeting and Costing
Costs and budgets for the implementation plan will be conducted in accordance with the adequate expertise to help with the determination of value in the long term. This is a step that will be conducted to unveil better actions in the long term. The company will generate a better and much more profitable course of carrying out activities (Ortiz et al. 2009 p. 29). This also means that there will be a plan for the costing to be reviewed by external experts, the stakeholders and the management of the company. The costing will, therefore, be handled with a great consideration of the major activities to be carried out.

Pre-Implementation Disposition
Before the implementation plan begins, there are activities which will be carried out to ensure that the company is on the rightful end of carrying out these activities. The company is on the level where it has to conduct its activities with consideration of the key activities which could be enforced. The organization, which has a series of experts will go through the presented issues and see which one will push them to the defined end (Wang, 2008 p. 470). On the other hand, there are external experts that would be in charge of the entire project. Therefore this implementation will mean that they will be consulted to provide a review on the plan and its coherence to the company’s activities.

Post-Implementation Disposition
Critical monitoring and evaluation of the plan will be conducted by the company. This is a plan that will enhance how the company looks into its activities, as well as the outcome of the provided change. Therefore, the monitoring of the ROI of the investment made, as well as the advancement of value in the company will be an efficient step at the tackling of major activities in the company (Gaith et al. 2009 p.420). Thus, with a better aim to segment the value in the company and know whatever ways they can carry out these activities is it notable that there are major moves that the company would make to ensure profitability.

Risk Management
The implementation has a series of risks that the company has to mediate about in the entire process. These are risks that the company has to manage and also get into conducting. Through these activities, the company will have a risk department which will evaluate the risks to be expected and whatever contingencies will be available for each risk. Therefore, in the long term, the company ensures the risks in the organization implementation program do not cripple their forward movement. Therefore, this is an act which makes effective steps towards the retention of the aspired value.

Recommendations and Conclusions
There are certain activities that the company has to include to ensure that their plan is a success. The company has to come up with a better model of tackling the consumer needs as well as ensuring that they have the basic outline of these projects to help with creating the required changes. The use of a research and development model, they will include a better determination of the value which is needed. Therefore, the company will grow towards the attainment of a value-oriented schedule in long term. The company thus has to include contingencies are every step that is expected.

In conclusion, the implementation plan covers the core factors that enhance the development of the company. The use of this plan makes sure that certain activities can be determined in accordance with the outcome that they will give to the company. Therefore, these are the core factors that have to be looked into to generate value in the long term.
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