Effectiveness of Capitalism in the United States

Capitalism is an economic structure that allows private actors to control and own property. The free-market system also allows individuals to use their income to meet their own interests. Further, it enables businesses to coordinate the supply and demand chain by responding to people’s needs. Capitalism has been effective in the United States since it limits government interference on the market supply and demand chain. Nonetheless, it allows some degree of government intervention to protect private property and regulate some aspects of the economy. Primarily, the U.S. market is predominantly based on an autonomous system since demand and supply forces influence the prices of commodities and services. Capitalism in the United States is morally acceptable since it facilitates production diversity and promotes freedom and cooperation between market players.

Chekhov’s “Joy” Essay

Chekhov’s collection of short stories is characterized by similarity of themes, most often, the portrayal of Russian life in the early stage of industrialization. The most evident theme, one which Chekhov explores thoroughly through satire, is the huge gap between classes that existed at the time. In “Joy,” Checkhov uses protagonist Mitya Kuldarov to represent a status quo problem. For Mitya, recognition from the local newspaper, despite being about his alcoholic antics, is a blessing in disguise. Mitya shows no remorse or embarrassment. The state of economic classes in Russia at the time the story was set, availed people with little hopes of climbing the economic class ladder. Mitya is convinced that appearing on a local newspaper presented an opportunity to be known countrywide, to be named alongside the most distinguished and hence, higher chances of acquiring what everyone in the lower economic classes was chasing after, wealth. Mitya is unaware of the negative light that the paper presents him in. He is eager to show the newspaper article, which he carries with him in his pocket, to all the neighbors and friends. For him, this is an achievement that his entire community should learn about.

Changes in English Language Over Time Essay

Sly Definition (past): to strike Sentence: The baseball player needs to sly the ball before running towards the goal. Definition (present): showing cleverness; ingenious; furtive; good at hiding plans Sentence: The wife has no idea how sly his husband is until she finally finds out his mistress Changes: The first use of the word sly was during the 13th century. The Middle English used sleighe or sli, attributed by the Old Norse slœgr. It was also similar to the Old English word slēan, which meant to strike URL: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sly Dapper Definition (past): from the Middle Dutch – active, nimble Sentence: The humming bird is a dapper animal. Definition (present): neat, smart, trim and active Sentence: The gentleman looks dapper in his black suit. Changes: the word dapper was first used during the 15th century (1400–1450). The late Middle English used the word daper / dapyr, while the Middle Dutch used dapper as nimble, stalwart, quick, strong. It was later related with the German tapfer, which meant heavy and with the Old Church Slavonic debelu (thick) URL: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dapper https://www.dictionary.com/browse/dapper

Reflective Writing Example

Predominantly, plastic has become one of the essential materials known to humans with a myriad of uses due to its versatile nature. Nowadays, plastic is found in many household items and have become essential to people’s lifestyles. However, plastics have adverse consequences for human life and animal life. Moreover, the sustainability of the environment for the future is highly contingent on the plastic waste disposal systems that are in place. Although the ratio of plastic recycling to improper waste disposal favors the latter, the health and environmental risks associated with improper plastic disposal may be the required motivation that will facilitate innovation of alternatives that would contribute to a more sustainable environment and a healthier lifestyle.

National Management of the Impacts following the Coronavirus Outbreak

Introduction How can a country shield its citizens and economy from extreme short term and long term adverse effects following the covid-19 crisis? Countries such as Norway, Singapore, and China have experienced 4,651 cases, 926 cases, and 81,554 cases as of April 1st, 2020, respectively (“Coronavirus Cases”). These countries have been forced to take extreme measures with China and Norway undertaking total lockdown. The actions have impacted the economic health and citizens’ working procedures. Consequently, the three nations are at the risk of experiencing a national food security crisis and economic recessions. It is critical for countries experiencing the Covid-19 crisis to design effective measures for economic recovery and national food security in the short-term, during the crisis, and long term periods.

The Impact of Neural Circuits Essay

Summary The purpose of this study was to explore the role of neural circuits in determining human behaviors and decision-making. A qualitative design was used to evaluate relevant and current evidence on neural circuits and how they influence decision-making and behavior among human beings. The findings indicated that neural circuits play an essential role in human behavior and decision-making. Introduction Neural systems are usually tuned to facilitate stable and efficient processing of information from different parts of the brain and generate strong behaviors (Silston, Bassett, & Mobbs, 2018). A specific neuron receives thousands of synapses and links with a similar number, forming circuits in the brain. This process requires an effective balance between stability, flexibility, and learning from and adapting to new environments, which is vital in executing human behavior (Silston et al., 2018). The mechanisms through which neural circuits in the human brain influence behavior have puzzled biomedical investigators for decades. Various brain and psychiatric disorders can be triggered by the dysfunction of neural circuits, including depression, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, and Parkinson’s disease (Tay et a., 2018).

HR Analytics Essay

Assessment of Foundations Several aspects exist that would best indicate the strength of Wincheap’s foundation to support people analytics. The first determinant of a robust HR data analytics is the people. Often implemented analytics tools are powerful. Even so, realizing the full value of these tools is pegged on people’s actions and their utilization of the collected data. In this regard, Wincheap needs to build a sustainable capacity within its workforce to collect and use HR data. Ideally, this can be achieved through proper organization of analytical professionals by recruiting the right people for the job and continually appraising their skills and reassessing them. Another critical foundation that Wincheap Group needs in building a successful people analytics is proper governance. First, the company needs to identify the way analytical decisions will be made. What is more, the group needs to establish parties that are responsible for aiding the analysis and effectively utilizing its insights. Besides, data governance needs to be planned well so as to create consistency and agreements around data definitions. Failing to have a common understanding of the data more so in relation to context and origin, the analysis’ output may be biased.

American Revolution Essay Sample

Causes of the American Revolution The founding of colonies made the American people worry about their freedom and was influential in the revolution (Egerton 58). The French and Indian wars prompted England to tax its colonies to assist in paying its troops since the British troops agreed to fight alongside the colonies in the war (Egerton 58). The over-taxation of the colonies was not enthusiastically taken in by the colonies; there were very many laws and acts that were oriented towards taxation. The protests in Boston were the climax to the colonies’ anger; the protests caused the death of several colonists, thereby causing a rise in the tension to the build-up of the revolution. The growing unity among the colonies sparked the calls for a revolution since the colonies shared the same problems (Egerton 60). The institution of new laws by the British to punish the colonies for the Boston tea party was abhorred by many people (Egerton 61).

Raising Capital Essay

Question 1 Five to Seven Points 30 January 1986, Jobs purchased the Lucas film computer division and Pixar only had forty employees for the estimated value of $10 million. The integration of computer animation into the commercial advertising spots for Tropicana, Trident and provide Pixar with the cash to foot their bills and pursue the artistic issues Pixar was unprofitable and was getting impatient with the inability to model and monetize the technology and create the required cash. Pixar listed shares in the initial public offering per year and sold approximately $132 million in stock for $22 per share. Steve Purchased the company from Lucas film for $10 million and invested an additional $60 million in the company of the 100% of Pixar’s shares Pixar went public since it had 96.3 million shares outstanding and 80% of those were held by Steve Jobs

Treatment Plan for Erectile Dysfunctions Problem Essay

Case Study Bruce is a 48-year-old male with a wife and three children. He reported his erectile dysfunction having experienced it for more than five months, where he struggles to initiate and maintain an erection. Bruce recalls some incidences of difficulty to initiate an erection in his early 40s, majorly weeks after arguments with the wife, which almost led to their divorce. As an alcoholic, he wasted money on gambling and drinking, leading to the turbulence at home. Additionally, Bruce smokes regularly and is obese. His sexual inactivity has elevated conflict at home, forcing him to avoid his wife on most occasions. Bruce’s desire for sexual intercourse has significantly reduced coupled with little or no satisfaction. He also experiences premature ejaculation in most times. Bruce believes that improved sex life and quitting alcohol could save his marriage and allow him to live a healthy and peaceful life regardless of the current illness.